Image from: Who is God? – Understanding Gods Laws

Today’s upload is a poem that incorporates several scriptures and experiences from the bible to explain and creatively express who God is. Can you identify any of the scriptures used? Comment below after reading through the post.

Who is God?

In the beginning was the Word.

And the Word was with God– and the Word was God.

And the Word became flesh and lived with us.

Then the Word died and was removed from us.

In death, lived the Word

So He could speak for us

And departed but sent His Spirit among us.

Who is God?

In the beginning was the Word.

And the Word was with God and the Word became flesh…


In the beginning was the Word.

Before Abraham was born, was the Word.

He was with God in the beginning and it was through him that all things were made.

Who is God?

I AM that I AM.

The Lion of the tribe of Judah.

The triumphant one to open the book and break its seven seals.

The one whose words will never pass away though heaven and earth will.

The parter of the red sea,

He who always gets the vic-to-ry.

He who says, “There shall be no idol placed before me!”

Do not!

Be like those who choose to worship the created instead of the creator.

The one that sets free by dying on Cal-va-ry.

The Alpha and Omega.

The first and the last.

Untethered by time.

Whose knowledge is vast.

For it is knowledge.

Knowledge is what we search for.

While we live we know, we aim to attain, to gain–knowledge.

But the beginning of all wisdom is the knowledge of God.

So they ask.

Who is God?

For in the beginning was the Word.

And the Word was with God.

And the Word was God.

The mover and shaker of a world seen and unseen.

The only God with the power to redeem.

He is God.

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